March Thoughts

Like the yearly seasons, our lives have periods where we flow with the energy around and within usโ€”shifting and changing to adapt and thrive in a new situation or reality. In the moments of transition between these seasons, we find ourselves in the center of instability or uncertainty. Like Wing Walking, having to let go of sure footing with the hope that we will set foot on another solid platform. 

Before we make any leaps, we might feel stuck, ill-equipped, or overwhelmed by what is presented. These thoughts can bring doubt or ineptitude, especially for those who fall into the A-type personality type. But rather than avoid or allow these thoughts to drag you down, use them as a way to learn and prepare. Asking yourself if you are ready or willing is a way to shift from thinking that you need to know everything to a thought process where you will learn what you need to know.  

I am learning to shift my perspective and accept the opportunities presented as uncertainty reveals a chance to learn what I don't know and gracefully accept, learn, and expand. It is never too late to learn. 

I am eternally grateful that I do not have to go this alone. I am fortunate to have a loving and supportive family and friends, a superstar team, and a community that is gracious and believes in the mission and vision of  MBDY + be.

With Gratitude,


April Thoughts


February Thoughts